The inherited personality traits and familial structures or experiences should be validated elsewhere in the child . Explore persons by aspect. Embed a Tumblr Post. You are an excellent and very loving partner who lavishes affection on your companion because he or she is the source of much that is important in your life. However, his spontaneity is essential to his creativity and inventiveness. It is more often a Venus conjunct the Ascendant in a sign ruled by Venus (either Libra or. This is a bond that may seem magical and unbreakable. These people are changeable, and not always reliable, but are almost always fun to be around. He is eccentric, perceptive and extraordinarily experimental. Eros sees Saturn as a mentor or guardian. This can manifest on more of a surface-level, initial attraction because the Ascendant is how we present to others and the mask we wear in public. Cancer rising in general can have bigger rounder features on a smaller but chiseled kinda face. With venus Elaborating on Moon in 12th in general and synastry, Whats seductive of each venus sign (Collab with, Brief dynamic description of juno placements, May have good eye for visuals and aesthetics, Daydreams or fantasizes about love and crushes, Like to find out all about someone, or more attentive to details of someone, Cares a lot or may feel emotionally drained from being the one that invests emotionally in love for others, May idealize or have standards for a partner who understands them emotionally, affectionate, and someone who makes their heart skip, May come off as a people pleaser to others or find it hard to reject, With venus conj asc and venus in 12th = great fashion sense, Cares about their appearance and self expression, Loves compliments and likes to give compliments out, How they dress may play a part in how they feel for the day, May feel lonely, yearning for that someone that truly understands them. These romantic and sexual feelings can be long-lasting depending on the natal charts of each individual and . You want to believe that you associate only with persons of the highest character and you are disappointed if they do not measure up. You have such an outpouring of insights that having a conversation with you can be a real experience. An opposition is a hard aspect, indicating the polarity between the planet energies. Valentines day is approaching and Mars will enter sensual Taurus, involving Venusian themes to this tie of year. Opportunistic tendencies. This aspect both links these two faculties and creates tension between them. Saturn trine/sextile Venus: sincere & enduring love, very good for marriage; Sun conjunct Mars: Mars person finds Sun person extremely attractive, Mars person can be very direct, pushes Sun person to all they can be; Venus trine Moon: easily connected, complimenting each other, very powerful and good (love) aspect, provies emotional security to . This is a consuming aspect for both since they will be fascinated by one another and every moment they have together serves as a new life changing experience. Powerful self expression, the individuals can reach a higher plane with how they connect to the world around them through their self expression. Their mars conjunct my south node. The stereotypes regarding Tauruses liking food isnt true all the time but it is notable that taurus placements have a certain relationship with food, whether they diet or use food as comfort. Your married life is harmonious because you marry for love and are devoted to your mate. In the company of your superiors or people you admire, you tend to be shy. Words and thoughts sort of shoot out, illuminating whatever subject is at hand. If other aspects between the two people are generally good, then this is typically only a minor inconvenience, but if there are alot of difficult aspects then this will heighten . Ill link a post I made regarding what venus trine ascendant does in an individuals chart here ^_^. With Mars in conjunction to the Ascendant, you are an active and energetic person, with plenty of spontaneity and drive to express your individuality. There may also be a talent in math or science. Dividers belong to @animatedglittergraphics-n-more & @kawaiipixelcollection. This may feel karmic and painful but both parties appreciate the experience over time. Pisces risings have a sleepy ethereal look with round soft eyes, interchangeable unique style while maintaining a dreamy vibe. This is one of the luckiest aspects to have. Taurus Rising here too, but my Venus in 6th is close enough to oppose my ascendant. Restlessness, irritability and a stressful head are all signs of this overload and are the brains way of saying SLOW DOWN. Eg. Not that we always succeed in obtainingthe latter - we tend to overdo things, and may fail to read some situations properly.Certainly we need to learn how to direct our energies. With Venus trine Midheaven, you love to work with beautiful things. Of course, her Sun in Aquarius Trine her Ascendant in Libra may have something to do with this. (Can be bossy and demanding in the positive sense that they know wut they want, believe, and stick to it) Cat eye like eye shapes, can also have a childlike vibe their eye expression like a playful cat, strong/defined jawlines. This can manifest in many different ways, depending on the signs that your Venus trine . Libra Ascendant people are often very good looking. You are drawn to truly refined and sophisticated people, not so much to the ones who substitute glitter for class. An aspect between Venus and the Ascendant in Synastry can point strongly to attraction, where the Venus person enjoys or is stimulated by the Ascendant person's body energy and mannerisms. There is, most likely, great intelligence or genius. The person does not enjoy rules, regulations, traditions and convention. There may also be a sustained interest in communication, computers, electronics, and all that is electrical. He is proud, rebellious, willful and obstinate. Additionally, if they have cancer venus with Virgo sun, it may tie to how others are attracted and appealed to their energy, virgo + cancer = put together, elegant, magnetic, always looking stylish in a sense. You must also learn to appreciate what you bring into any situation as well. You work hard, although subtly, to make sure that people are warmly disposed toward you, and you try to emphasize your better qualities to prove you are worthy of their friendship. Of course, thats how its done in life, but you do need to watch a tendency to use people just because of their status. It is desire, it is passion and love. This makes their likable traits/nature more known/popular among those they interact with or meet. For ex: I have moon conjunct ascendant and sometimes people guess Im a cancer sun which is the sign that is ruled by the moon. Eros/Saturn Saturn teaches Eros about restriction. May have a big friends-circle. Prince, Lana Del Rey, Willow Smith, Ezra Miller, Lanny Kravitz, Kurt Cobain, Hope you're having a great day i found your blog and really likeeee, can i ask your opinion about venus ascendant aspects? Although, in principle, these aspects can encourage laziness, not to mention self-indulgence and luxury, their tension guarantees a fairly energetic approach. Particularly in the case of the conjunction, trine, and sextile, the Ascendant person is seen as the Venus person's muse. The Venus person embodies the ideal partner of the Juno person. This attraction makes it doubly easy for both signs to be tender and pleasing to each other. Preferring to be self-directed, you dont always take advice easily. With the Sun in Aquarius, we will be inspired to take a leap and play with our luck. Venus will be in the sign of Capricorn; a Venus sign I find to be underrated, since Capricorn represents stability and commitment. Extremely charismatic, sometimes doesnt even realise the impact they have on others. Venus-ascendant combines the themes of the rising: identity, self-image, the lens you see the world through, with the themes of venus: love, beauty, attraction and romance. Over-indulgence of money/food/leisure may cause all kinds of health and financial problems. They emotionally care about the house a lot. Harmony is easily brought into self expression. When someone's Vertex is conjunct your Ascendant (meaning in the same sign), your Vertex is conjunct their Ascendant. It is a love that is not as binding or otherworldly as Valentine but can cause as much passion and desire as Venus. He is of radical and extreme opinion but is rarely, if ever, bigoted or prejudiced. Comedy comes naturally to them. You're popular and attract happiness since you're diplomatic, tactful and take others' happiness into consideration. Self-value and money matters are usually tied together. Venus conjunct Ascendant. Moon-Ascendant Positive Aspects+Conjunction: This gives the two people a really strong and emotional bond. Lots of physical affection and compliments. It is difficult for you to stand alone. On the surface you are docile, gentle, and charming, but underneath you conspire and connive to make a better life for yourself through the people in your environment. In practice, Venus / Ascendant conflicts do not seem to be too much of a disadvantage.There is a good chance that their tension will make us more interesting to others.Therefore, even with these aspects, we can expect easy social intercourse and a genuinedesire for a peaceful, harmonious environment. In this synastry, there is a mutual attraction between Venus and Ascendant on both physical and emotional levels. You're quite comfortable around other people, and may enjoy time spent with companions. 1. beards - looks good on them, Nick Jonas, Johnny Depp, and Robert Downey Jr. have a Leo rising. May grow out facial hair, eg. The 6th house is ruled by the planet Mercury and the zodiac sign Virgo. Having a planet you have on your 7th house falling on their 1st house and a planet in your 1st house falling on their 7th house and vice-versa which would create an opposite between the two planets in the synastry chart. Need to learn how to let go of others opinions of them. Your determination to gain acceptance and to improve your status in life is strong, and you may use your social contacts to reach those positions. Similar threads. Hello! Answer (1 of 3): It can indicate physical beauty depending on the signs involved. People with Eros conjunct the Ascendent will have erotic vibes that one can sense, easily. Asks are closed for now (only for a while ). Gemini + 6th house stellium, I see people with 6th house and gemini stellium in their chart like to incorporate tasks or routine into their interests, activities, and daily life. Synastry Chart Aspect Meaning. To put others at ease you play the innocent role and make it clear that you are not a threat them. , #I wanted to include some k idols but literally forgot and only remembered after finishing the post NAGSJSN. He learns things fast, but may be too quick in his judgments. Moodboards - Planet Conjunct Ascendant Pt. He may often speak without due forethought and thereby offend others. Words heal, empower and intrigue. Eros/Uranus It is felt with a spark. Albeit, you are more likely than most to have a solid loving partnership which will be one of your major rewards. The person is inspirational and exciting. If he does not learn responsibility, discipline, maturity, and order, his talents and liberating concepts go entirely wasted and unused. And he is a thorn in the side of the powers that be. The Venus conjunct Juno synastry aspect is a frequent aspect in the charts of couples, and so is Juno trine Venus in synastry. Sun Trine Jupiter-. Words take on a new meaning with this synastry aspect. Eros thrills, scares and creates intense bonds. Eg. Here, we have someone who possesses enticing and daring beauty, which easily reflects in their aura. The seventh house and descendant describe what are you looking for in a committed relationship. You hope no one perceives your negative qualities and discovers how insecure you really are. Saturn Opposite Venus . What does it mean to have an aspect at 0 orb? The participants of the aspect are in opposite elements and hostile signs, which causes internal tension in the heart and mind of the native. Lana del rey and Sydney Sweeney has scorpio rising. Maximum 3 degrees orb. Originally posted by unfantasmaenlasnubes. Venus-Moon ppl receive compliments based on how they make people feel (Moon). Venus in the 12th house conjunct the Ascendant usually makes the the person more attractive to other people than they realize. Your acceptance of these powerful experiences enables you to guide others to face transformation and loss without fear. Winwin from Nct has sag mars and Ten has pisces mars, Chaeryeong from Itzy has sag mars and Yuna from the same group has pisces mars (these idols are known for their dancing skills). Artistic andother aesthetic forms of expression are therefore more likely to find an outlet.Sometimes, however, the outlet is simply a matter of trying to impose ones own tastes. If you are tolerant of faults in the short run but demand that they be eventually corrected, you will both benefit in the end. He is temperamental and stubborn-minded. The confusion and misunderstanding seems to be more common in the square than the opposition. The Moon is Eros confidant, as they grow and evolve. Or may tie their self-worth to their relationships. It might also make someone not be as clear about what they personally love and value (but other people might be more aware of this). Social & Outgoing. Venus trine ascendant. If Eros conjuncts Saturn, one may become promiscuous in the attempt to express Eros. Theyre caring, and kind of a homebody. He may fancy herself a gift to the world, and make a pest of himself to others. Can live a luxurious life (if not born into it, may work their way towards it). Most certainly, he will not be told what to do or think. tendency to become selfish. Can find it easy to find harmonious combinations in color, patterns, accessories, etc., due to their positive connection from inner, rich world to the physical realm/environment around them. Words and thoughts sort of shoot out, illuminating whatever subject is at hand. Hello astrology fans :) , here is my interpretation of Venus conjunct Ascendant aspect in synastry, complete with examples of famous couples.Hope you enjoy . Sometimes this could be with bad intentions, or just to please their ego/lofty ambitions. Eros in Synastry but focusing on the easy aspects such as . Eg. You know instinctively how to nurture and encourage self-empowerment and the ownership of deep transformative urges. It is difficult for you to stand alone. Venus Conjunct Ascendant; Another synastry aspect that shows the compatibility between two people is the Venus conjunct Ascendant synastry. Your mental energy and output is extremely variableone day you might be capable of enormous effort and interest in a project, and the next day the opposite. Above all, he must take responsibility for his independent nature and stop defending himselfa tendency he may have developed during rebellious childhood years. Mercury trine mars is similar to the sextile aspect of it, however mercury trine mars natives are naturally imaginative, creative, communicative, concise, realistic and confidently expressive. To put others at ease you play the innocent role and make it clear that you are not a threat them. The year started with powerful and forward thinking energy that will assist in elevating us both spiritually and subconsciously. . Eg. Random Synastry Aspect Observations . Your mind works like lightning. The person identifies with his mind, and lives an essentially mental life. When they face and deal with their own insecurities and issues of self-worth, they may see how easily opportunities of all kinds flow towards them. Someone they respect. In certain cases, the person may be foolish or lacking in common sense. Venus, like its namesake, rules over love and relationships in astrology. Leo risings are amiable people, warmhearted and emit a friendly and eyecatching aura. They might feel blinded to the truths and will persist on with their beliefs. He loves to arouse, incite and shock those around him. You are always on the lookout for ways to improve your social status, and prefer the company of successful people or those who are obviously on their way up. There is no deception in your claim that you are happy to meet people, because you truly enjoy their company and conversation. It's likely easy to feel comfortable to express your true self around these ppl. Most certainly, he will not be told what to do or think. If you have venus trine ascendant at 0 degrees, then venus trine to your ascendant would be more influential in your appearance/impression. You have a tendency to be, or to appear to be, scatterbrained. Leo rising ppl are appreciated thru their interactions and energy, they are like cuddly needy cats once u get close enough. The intense physical attraction is what pulls them towards each other. He is of radical and extreme opinion but is rarely, if ever, bigoted or prejudiced. Just be careful not to let a partner take advantage of your good nature and generosity, making sure that he or she returns in kind. Support and goodwill.This is the channel to tune into if you want to learn real astrolo. Eros/Chiron Eros grows and heals with Chiron and vice versa. Mercury conjunct mars may find it easy to generate ideas and putting it to action, may be impatient if others are vague and not direct in communicating, the individual may be curious and enthusiastic and express that. Mars person almost instantly makes their interest evident to the Ascendant person. Soothing and radiant charm, style here can easily represent parts of the inner nature of the individual as they find it easy to integrate public persona with their preferences and believes. A sextile is a positive aspect, representing an easy flow between the planet energies, allowing for opportunities of the aspects potential and ability/talents to occur and be nurtured. Your energy and vitality radiate an inner beauty which has a direct effect upon the way others see you, and you . May need to work extra hard to be grounded in reality and understand that not everything revolves around them, i.e. If you have a planet conjunct to your ascendant, people may mistaken or guess your sun sign as the sign of that planet conjunct to your ascendant. Neptune will feel empowered by Eros, who will contribute to some aspects of delusion if both parties persist on seeing things through unrealistic lenses. His greatest concern is the advancement and promotion of truth and freedom. However, he does not slow down long enough to hear exactly what others are saying. I have venus trine ascendant at 0 orb. This brings a high level of cooperation, gentleness and emotional awareness. You really do have very different ideas and ways of expressing them. With that said, see you soon with another post. They may look younger than they are physically. Venus in 10th and 11th house too. Moon/Venus/Sun conjunct/square Saturn - Saturn person is VERY committed to the other person, they fight for them, they see their faults but refuse to give up in hope of change or just letting it go.They can't let go their faults though, but they are willing to go through it, because of that person. You have no qualms about forming close relationships with people who are financially secure if this will increase your chances of a permanent association. Lack/excess of socialising can actually drain their energy. Lessons here will be learned and carried on by both parties. Discover more posts about venus conjunct ascendant. Discover more posts about Venus Opposition Ascendant. Ohh you meant the degree of the placement. He is impulsive and unpredictable. Albeit, you are more likely than most to have a solid loving partnership which will be one of your major rewards. Its okay to create their own fashion sense and not feel obligated to fit in sometimes. Lets say your mercury aspects your mars at 0 degree orb, then your mercury is conjunct to your mars. Your personality blooms when you are united with someone else for you do not feel really whole if alone. You may have an explosive temper and be subject to accidents, especially burns or cuts to the face. So I schedule my posts and answers. May need to learn how important being genuine really is, and not tend to wear a mask or worry about what others may think of them too much. Im so grateful and happy To read your replies and responses, all the love and support Ive received in such a short span, Truly blessed Thank you all so very much . War for love. Joy from Red velvet and Wonyoung from Ive. You understand the cycles of loss and return, and you know that the soul transcends these experiences and that love survives all rites of passage; transformation, separation, loss and initiation. Every friend has a crush on them, and openly express their interest. The Moon person feels comfortable and encouraged when talking to the Mercury person, and the Mercury person . Eros desires Venus and Venus clings to Eros, they both need each other, want each other and whenever they connect the spark comes through. This aspect is known to bring out strong charisma in an individual. With venus being positively aspected to the ascendant, these people would genuinely like to keep up with appearances and looking their best whenever. The imagination expands and creative inspiration comes naturally. It is a symbol of "I", a symbol of a person's personality. People see you as magnetic, very forceful and perhaps, at times, just plain downright threatening. The problem is that in life there are always going to be routine tasks to complete, things we have to do that dont entirely suit our interests, and so forth. Friedrich Nietzsche had the Mercury opposite Uranus aspect within one degree. It is possible that the Moon encourages Eros to express themselves through creative venues. You make concessions if it seems necessary to maintain harmonious relations, and you refuse to judge someone whose conduct does not come up to your expectations. Having an aspect at 0 degree orb means that the planet aspecting the other is conjunct. He may be touchy, high-strung, overly sensitive, and in extreme cases just plain paranoid. There is a definite openness to metaphysics and the occult. Here we have both parties who hunger for each other and are not afraid to challenge the other person. Cancer rising people are private about their thoughts/emotions but stubborn to their virtues in their heart. Pleasing one another is a strong theme in your relationship. Mars pushes Eros to express what they want and need on a physical level. Read on to learn more about how these . He loves to change the status quo. Eros conjunct Venus will be more hidden. You work hard, although subtly, to make sure that people are warmly disposed toward you, and you try to emphasize your better qualities to prove you are worthy of their friendship.
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